Landed offers two benefits:

The first is gratitude. Practicing gratitude—in a grounded way—has clear mental health benefits.

The second is a slow, audio-based connection with a different user each week. This format is meant to be a nourishing alternative to the overwhelm of social media.  

No pictures, no followers, no profiles, no endless content.

The Mission

Landed is not a dating app or friend finder, but a one-time, meaningful interaction with a different person each week. It is social media that supports your life, not the other way around.



Landed has no interest in maximizing “engagement.” Each week, you are limited to interacting only with your match.


Our prompt encourages you to pay attention to your life and notice things you can be grateful for. This process has many scientifically proven benefits, including a deeper sense of well-being (Source 1. Source 2).


Strangers inspire us to break our habitual patterns of presentation and venture beyond our comfort zones. Studies have shown talking to strangers improves mental health (Source). Many find connecting in this way more freeing than talking to friends and family.

No Emojis

Landed functions exclusively on audio notes, which retain the full nuance of human expression but allow you to respond on your own time. 

App Store reviews:

“The path to joy. This is the app for people who don’t like apps. It’s simple, easy to use, and it’s focus is connection. As isolation has become more prevalent in my life, I use Landed and feel more connection to humanity and with myself. It brings me joy throughout my day to hear what others appreciate and it reminds me of the many gifts I have in my life that are easy to overlook. Gratitude practice is a direct path to happiness and joy and this app makes that practice extremely accessible. I love it!”

Simple yet profound. I have received so much from my landed connections. I love the thoughtful moments that come from the simple audio back and forth. Sometimes my connections are lively multiple moments each day. Others are a slow daily moment that I reflect upon throughout the day. And then others a brief Hello Out There! Each one is a joyous reminder of the importance of being open and welcoming to the experience of connecting to fellow humans.” 

“I've added it as a tool for cultivating gratitude, connection, and groundedness within my practice. I realize how strange it must be for a big chunk of people, myself included, to use the phone as it was originally intended, to connect to someone on the other end of the line... and that's exactly the opportunity that Landed brings - connection in a unique way that has facilitated some of the most meaningful conversations I've had in recent years, truly…Delete Instagram, log off of Twitter and tap here instead - it'll help gain a new perspective and a greater sense of empathy. A new sense of kindness will start to radiate.”

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Download Landed here.

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